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Around 1/2 of the people reading this will get an STD by age 25

Only YES means YES. How or with whom—it’s up to us. But for those of us who are sexually active, 1 in 2 will get an STD by the time we’re 25. Statistically, that’s you or one of your friends. It’s more common than you’d think.

Getting an STD is human, it’s normal. So why are we still uncomfortable talking about it? Especially when we can do something about it.

Yes or no, sex is our choice. But, the facts are clear. YES to sex? #YESmeansTEST

Testing for STDs is NBD

YES, testing is easier than you’d think. And because many STDs don’t have symptoms, it’s the only way to know for sure.


It’s usually just a quick swab or pee in a cup.


Testing positive for an STD is just the first step toward treating it. And with common STDs, like chlamydia or gonorrhea, antibiotics can usually do the job.


Most insurance covers STD testing. There are also lots of free clinics—just check our locator.


The real problem is when STDs go undiagnosed. Take chlamydia—it can lead to a serious condition called pelvic inflammatory disease that can cause infertility when left untreated.


If you want to keep it to yourself, you can. No one needs to know.


Why Get Tested?

You can pick up an STD no matter how you’re hooking up. Yup, vaginal, oral or anal sex—even genital skin-to-skin contact can spread STDs. Getting tested is a part of staying healthy. Saying #YESmeansTEST gives you the power to change these stats.

Americans get around
20 million STDs every year…

…and young people make up 1/2 those cases.

Still, fewer than 12% of young people said they were tested for STDs in the past year!

Trending STDs

Chlamydia (aka the Silent STD)

The most commonly reported STD in the U.S., with 15–24-year-olds making up almost 2/3 of all cases.

Gonorrhea (aka the Clap)

Reported cases have increased nearly 20% since 2011.

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