The Adolescent Health Center Program services are aimed at achieving the best possible physical, intellectual, and emotional status of adolescents by providing services that are high quality, accessible, and acceptable to youth. Included in the Adolescent Health Program are three models of service delivery – Clinical Adolescent Health/Wellness Health Centers, School Wellness Programs, and Behavioral Health Services models (Expanding, Enhancing Emotional Health).
Located within school facilities, clinics serve a variety of age groups. Be sure to check with the Adolescent Health Center near you for eligibility. Services can be billed to health insurance if applicable, and if the client has no insurance, the cost of services is on a sliding scale based on income. No eligible person is denied service based on insurance status or ability to pay. We also assist in Medicaid enrollment.
Health Resource Advocates (HRAs)
Health Resource Advocates (HRAs) help identify emerging related health concerns, encourage best health practices, and provide front-line support for COVID-19 testing and reporting. HRAs can be school nurses, registered nurses (RN), social workers, community health workers, and public health professionals. HRAs can test students and staff for COVID-19, provide educational opportunities, and can serve as a resource for school administration, staff, parents, and students.
HRAs can provide in-school learning opportunities for a variety of topics including mental health, nutrition and physical activity habits, technology use, and so much more! Some examples include Lunch and Learn education and classroom education. A few of our HRAs are certified CPR/First Aid instructors who are able to provide free trainings to schools. Contact your local HRA for more information. HRAs can provide referrals and resources for students regarding these topics. Talk to your local HRA today to learn more about the educational opportunities that align with your school!
The goal of having an HRA at your school is to keep your school safe and operating as usual. HRAs can provide the most up-to-date strategies and education to keep your kids safe and healthy. The educational opportunities and resources provided by an HRA can enrich the lives of your students and staff!
Non-Clinical HRAs
- Serve as a public health representative providing guidance and trainings to schools, staff, and students.
Clinical HRAs/RNs
- In addition to the Non-Clinical HRA duties, Clinical HRAs (with parental/guardian consent) are able to provide emergency medical care and services related to COVID-19 to students. Medical care includes emergency treatment and routine first aid in case of illness or injury.
If you have questions regarding the Health Resource Advocate program, check out this site for more information or visit https://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus/resources/k-12-school-opening-guidance/mi-safe-schools-testing-program/health-resource-advocate-program.
Hannah Sperry, MPH, Public Health Planner
Email: hsperry@dhd10.org
Phone: 616-287-6136
Shayann Vanhouten, RN
Email: svanhouten@dhd10.org
Phone: 231-236-7581
Sophia Reaume-Weible, RN
Email: sweible@dhd10.org
Phone: 231-674-5205
Deanna Verbanic, Public Health Educator, CPR Instructor
Email: dverbanic@dhd10.org
Phone: 231-465-1764
Emily Jo Mulder Ruetz, Public Health Educator
Email: eruetz@dhd10.org
Phone: 231-465-1761
Taylor Pratt, RN
Email: tpratt@dhd10.org
Phone: 231-309-8942
Gracie Kierczynski, Public Health Educator
Email: gkierczynski@dhd10.org
Phone: 231-465-1782
Glynda Szekely, RN
Email: gszekely@dhd10.org
Phone: 231-674-5219
Additional Forms
Health History
Notice of Privacy Brochure
Texting Consent
Immunization Consent
MHSAA Sports Physical Form:
– Physical Card/Medical History Form (2-page)
– Physical Card/Medical History Form/Spanish (2-page)
– Physical Exam/Medical History Form (4-page)
– Physical Exam/Medical History Form/Spanish (4-page)
Adolescent Health Centers accept referrals from school staff (counselors, teachers, administrators) as well as from primary care providers, community mental health, other local providers and parents.
Adolescent Health Center staff does refer students out to other providers when appropriate.