May is National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month. Here are just a few national statistics to get you thinking:
- There were 22.3 teen births for every 1000 females ages 15-19 in 2015.
- The teen birth rate is at a historic low, but the United States still has one of the highest rates in the industrialized world.
- Teen birth rates differ substantially by age, racial and ethnic group, and region of the country.
- Birth rates are higher among Hispanic and black adolescents than among their white counterparts.
- While Hispanics have the highest teen birth rates, there has been a dramatic decline in rates, with a 50% reduction since 2007.
Despite historic declines, the U.S. teen birth rate is still higher than that of many other developed countries, including Canada and the United Kingdom (get more information here). We can do better. So join us this May for National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month—31 days devoted to the historic progress that has been made and spotlighting how much work is being done.
Quick Links
Pregnancy Support
Pregnancy Testing
Sexual Health Services – Teens
Adolescent Health Centers