Medicaid Awareness Month – April, 2024
Key Facts
According to Medicaid Awareness Month:
- Nationally, 54 percent of American children are covered by Medicaid/CHIP.
- Medicaid covers 45 percent of non-elderly adults with disabilities, including adults with physical disabilities, developmental disabilities, and brain injuries.
- Nationally, around 12 percent of Medicaid enrollees over 18 have some kind of substance use disorder (SUD) and Medicaid is crucial to building a system of comprehensive substance use care.
- Medicaid covers nursing home bills for over 60 percent of residents in nursing homes. In 2019, this totaled over $50 billion. The median private nursing home room can cost over $100,000 annually.
Medicaid Awareness Month
April is Medicaid Awareness Month, this is the time to raise awareness about Medicaid’s importance for communities across the nation. Medicaid provides health coverage to millions of Americans, including eligible low-income adults, children, pregnant women, elderly adults and people with disabilities.
According to the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS), in Michigan, there are many health care programs available to children, adults, and families. Specific coverages may vary depending on the program and the applicant’s citizenship status.
Services covered by Medicaid are offered through what is called fee-for-service or through Medicaid Health Plans:
- Fee-for-service is the term for Medicaid paid services that are not provided through a health plan. This means that Medicaid pays for the service. People under fee-for-service will use the mihealth card to receive services.
- Most people must join a health plan. The health plan pays for most of the services. For people that need to join a health plan, Michigan Enrolls will send a letter with more information. After enrollment with a health plan, both the mihealth card and the health plan card are needed to access services.
Covered Services
Medicaid and MIChild cover medically necessary services such as:
- Ambulance
- Chiropractic
- Dental
- Doctor visits
- Emergency services
- Family planning
- Hearing and speech services
- Home health care
- Hospice care
- Inpatient and outpatient hospital care
- Lab
- Medical supplies
- Medicine prescribed by a doctor
- Mental health services
- Non-emergency medical transportation
- Nursing home care
- Personal care services
- Physical and occupational therapy
- Podiatry (foot care)
- Pregnancy care (prenatal, delivery, and post-partum)
- Private duty nursing
- Immunizations (shots)
- Substance use disorder treatment services
- Surgery
- Vision
- X-ray
A yearly health exam is covered. Some of these services are limited and may not be covered for beneficiaries age 21 and older. Some of these services may require prior approval.
As of 2023, Medicaid beneficiaries in Michigan will have to renew their coverage annually to comply with federal policy.
“If Individuals have not had a Medicaid redetermination since COVID, they are encouraged to check with their MIBridges account or contact their local MDHHS office to find out their redetermination date and to be sure their address is correct on file since COVID,” says Sally Mellema, Health Promotion Supervisor at DHD#10.
She adds, “If individuals need assistance navigating insurance options, the health department has staff available by appointment to assist. They may contact 1-888-217-3904 or visit https://northernmichiganchir.org/community-connections/ to request navigation assistance. Health Department staff can also help navigate Medicaid benefits including transportation reimbursement, finding a healthcare provider, dental provider or behavioral health provider who takes their Medicaid plan. If someone is no longer Medicaid eligible, the Health Department has Certified Marketplace Assistance Counselors to help navigate marketplace insurance options.”
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