Norovirus Prevention & Response
Client Handout- Norovirus Prevention
Client Handout- Norovirus Response
Client Handout- Norovirus Key Facts
Management of Communicable Diseases
How Handle Common Communicable Diseases
Influenza Outbreak Guidelines for Long Term Care Facilities
MDHHS Pandemic Influenza Planning
Immunization Education for Provider Offices
District Health Department #10 in conjunction with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) can provide educational in-services to provider offices to increase staffs’ knowledge of immunizations. These in-services are conducted by MDHHS-approved Immunization Nurse Educators. They are provided free of charge and participants can receive continuing education credits. Each in-service varies in length, but many can be provided over a 75 minute lunch hour, or before a clinic opens for the day.
The current available modules are:
- Infant and Children Update — 1.25 hours
- Adolescent Update — 1.25 hours
- Adult Update — 1.25 hours
- Vaccines for Women: OB/GYN Update — 1.25 hours
- Vaccines Across the Lifespan — 2 hours
- Vaccine Administration and Pain Management — 1 hour Vaccine Management: Storage & Handling — 1 hour
- Vaccines for Children Program — 1.25 hours
- Influenza: Pediatric & Adult Update — 1 hour