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Global Employee Health & Fitness Month

Global Employee Health & Fitness Month

As national healthcare costs increase, many employers are looking to reduce healthcare costs and increase their bottom-line. In many instances, healthcare costs are linked to chronic disease and obesity related diseases. Nationwide, obesity related healthcare claims account for $147 billion (and rising) dollars of our healthcare costs. This amount does not include the amount of dollars lost in employee productivity due to obesity related diseases. Employers benefit from worksite health promotion by having reduced absenteeism, increased productivity, increased employee morale and decreased health care costs as a result of their wellness programming.

District Health Department #10 offers work site health promotion programming from employee wellness screenings to initiatives to create healthy work sites through policy development and environmental changes that impact the entire workforce. Research has shown that targeting environmental policy development is more effective in creating a healthy workforce and community.

Worksite Wellness Includes:

  • Consulting Services to provide “Employee Wellness Programs” tailored to the individual work site, (i.e., facilitation of employee wellness committees, health screenings, health education, risk reduction interventions, employee challenges, newsletters, or strategic planning for long-term health care cost reduction.)
  • Onsite Biometric Screening
  • Onsite Flu Clinic
  • Onsite Lunch and Learn Presentations
  • Onsite Diabetes Prevention Program
  • Tobacco Cessation Services

To set up a Worksite Wellness program at our location, contact District Health Department #10 at 231-876-3803 or email [email protected].

Quick Links
Live Well Worksite Wellness
Wellness Council of America
MDHHS Healthy Workforce
Global Employee Health & Fitness Month