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Category: Public Health Matters

In The News

Global Employee Health & Fitness Month

As national healthcare costs increase, many employers are looking to reduce healthcare costs and increase their bottom-line. In many instances, healthcare costs are linked to chronic disease and obesity related diseases…. Read More

Food Safety Month

Let’s face it…most of us love to eat, but no one wants to get sick from it.  There is always a risk of getting a foodborne illness whether you’re eating… Read More

National Alcohol and Other Drug-Related Birth Defects Awareness Week (May 13-19)

Alcohol, Drugs and Childbirth do not go together. Yet, in the U.S., 20% (about 1 million) of pregnant women smoke cigarettes; another 18% (about 750,000) drink alcohol during pregnancy; and… Read More

National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month

May is National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month.  Here are just a few national statistics to get you thinking: There were 22.3 teen births for every 1000 females ages 15-19 in… Read More

You Can Do It! (Quit Smoking, Of Course)

Seriously, you can quit smoking, and we are here for you every step of the way! DHD#10 has several ways to help you reduce your current tobacco use or quit… Read More

Vaccines Work

Immunization saves millions of lives and is widely recognized as one of the world’s most successful and cost-effective health interventions. Yet, there are more than 19 million unvaccinated or under-vaccinated… Read More

Celebrate National Public Health Week with DHD#10

Everyone deserves to live a long and healthy life in a safe environment. To ensure this, we must tackle the causes of poor health and disease risk among individuals and… Read More

Reduce your Risk of HIV/STIs

1 in 2 sexually active people will get a sexually transmitted disease or infection – an STD/STI – by the age of 25 (and there is still risk beyond that)…. Read More

Colorectal Cancer is Highly Preventable

During month of March, DHD#10 shares with men and women aged 50 years and older the importance of having regular colorectal cancer screening tests. Colorectal cancer remains the nation’s second-leading… Read More


Condomology? Say What? Condomology is an initiative by the American Sexual Health Association to ensure that the facts about condoms are available and understood by all, so people can make informed… Read More