Residential Well & Septic
District Health Department #10 issues permits for private wells and septic systems. DHD#10 will evaluate the site, design the septic system, locate area for well installation, and inspect the final work. Homeowners are allowed to install their own septic system. All others must be licensed by District Health Department #10.
Twenty-four hours prior to cover/back filling a septic system the owner/contractor must contact the local sanitarian to complete a final inspection. If the sanitarian can not make it to the site within 24 hours then the sanitarian may give the owner/contractor permission to complete a “Contractor Affidavit” and then cover the system.
District Health Department #10 recommends to pump your septic tank every 3 to 4 years. Learn more about your septic system by watching this brief video:
Sanitary Code
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Well and Septic Permit Application
Permit Application Instructions
2025 Fee Schedule
Contractor Affidavit Form
Sewage Disposal Contractor Registration & Application
Building Permit Authorization Application
Commercial Well & Septic
All commercial septic systems less than 1000 gallons a day (gpd) may be reviewed using District Health Department #10 local sanitary code. All commercial septic systems that are greater than 1000 gpd and less then 10,000 gpd are reviewed using Michigan Criteria for Subsurface Sewage Disposal.
Most commercial wells fall under two categories Type II (non-community water) or Type III (public water) supplies.
Email us:
Quick Links
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Noncommunity Water Supply
2025 Fee Schedule
Well and Septic Permit Application
Type II (non-community water) Well Permit Application
Contractor Affidavit Form
Sewage Disposal Contractor Registration & Application
Building Permit Authorization Application
Soil Evaluation
Prior to purchasing property where a septic system will be used you may want to apply for a Soil Evaluation. The sanitarian will go to the property and conduct soil borings checking for type of soils, depth to seasonal high ground water and depth to confining layer. All three of the above factors play a role in determining the suitability of the property for the use of a septic system.
2025 Fee Schedule
Well and Septic Permit Application
District Health Department #10 inspects over 90% of the new septic system installed our 10-county jurisdiction. Contractors/home owners must contact their local sanitarian 24 hours prior to covering the septic system.